Anyone else feel like these cookies? So full you're busting open. Yep. Right there with you.
'Tis the season to stuff ourselves ... and our calendars. And let me tell you, my calendar has stayed full for the last few months. School activities. Writing deadlines. Extra crafts I add on my own plate because I like to give people handmade gifts. And slowly church activities have started coming back. And now the holidays. Ugh. It's stuffed!
Happy Thanksgiving.
If you're like me, sometime today you'll probably go through and count blessings. And eat turkey and pie, of course. Seriously, though. Do you stop more than once a year and count blessings? Because there's so many! One of my favorite holiday movies is Holiday Inn. My daddy raised me right, watching the oldies. In this Irving Berlin movie, Bing Crosby sings a song about each holiday. I've posted the one for Thanksgiving below. Money.
As the sister says in Meet Me in St. Louis, "I loathe, hate, despise and abominate money." And as her dad replies, "You also spend it." Yep. And we seem to have the problem of spending it faster than it comes in, don't we? At least, that's the way it tends to work in my house. This year, we had several moments when I wondered if we'd be able to make the ends meet at the end of the month. And you know what? We did. Who is writing your love story? Fellow author Allison Pearl is my guest today, talking about who she wants writing hers. You make memories. You make friends and careers and plans. You make love. You make a future. You make a life. And you do it together. But life isn’t all scrapbooks, barbeques, holidays, and fun. Life is hard. Life can suck.
For every amazing moment my husband, Daniel, and I have had in our twelve years of marriage, there’s been a heartbreaking one too. And for two kids raised in church who thought they’d approached their marriage just right, this was a shock. It was more than a shock, it was an embarrassment. One we tried to hide, even from each other. We thought we’d failed. After all, none of the other couples we knew seemed to have the same problems. Have you noticed how many different kinds of stickers people have for their cars? I mean, there's the ones that tell about the family and all their activities, the ones that boast about marathons (or half or less) run, the ones supporting teams or schools, the ones shouting opinions or politics, the ones that are funny, and the ones that are rude. Pretty much anything you want to put on your car, you can find it somewhere. Have you noticed the ones that say things like "Jesus is my copilot" or "I believe in God" or something like that? What about the ones that support a Christian organization? Know what I've noticed? Those car owners don't drive much differently than the ones without the stickers. Sometimes, they even seem to be worse. Do you ever groan when you notice gas prices have gone up five cents? Or even twenty? I know I do.
I was filling up one day and commented to the friend with me that I had to keep reminding myself that a few years ago, gas prices were over $3 a gallon, so I really shouldn't complain about them being less than $2 now. She said she had to remind herself of the same thing. It's so easy, isn't it? To forget that things aren't nearly as bad as we think they are? |
This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
August 2024