Money. As the sister says in Meet Me in St. Louis, "I loathe, hate, despise and abominate money." And as her dad replies, "You also spend it." Yep. And we seem to have the problem of spending it faster than it comes in, don't we? At least, that's the way it tends to work in my house. This year, we had several moments when I wondered if we'd be able to make the ends meet at the end of the month. And you know what? We did. Why does it continually surprise me that God will take care of us? Hasn't He always? Sure. Not the way we want Him to every time. But I've discovered we never go hungry or without something we absolutely need.
This year, our taxes got messed up. Not by our accountant, but by the IRS. Bless their hearts, they still haven't gotten us our refund. You read that right. We filed in February and it's November, and we're still waiting. That was money I was counting on for our cushion, for a few home repairs, for part of my daughter's tuition. I panicked. What would we do? Then, we got the stipend. That held us over. And we got a check back from health insurance last year. That was a nice unexpected blessing. I sold a few books. I did some sewing for friends. I started babysitting a couple girls on Fridays. And you know what? We're doing okay. Granted, the home repairs have had to wait. But it wasn't anything desperate, so that's okay, too. God is taking care of us. Just like He always does. Not the way I thought it was going to happen this year. But it happened, none-the-less. Do you find it works that way with you, too? Just when you think you've reached your limit, another blessing appears at your door? And just like that, you're taken care of. "Lord, help my unbelief."
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This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
December 2024