Book fairs are exciting times at an elementary school. But they can be frustrating too.
For one reason: the one that comes to our school has decided the only payment method available is by pre-loading a card for each child with some money. They recommend starting with $30. Well, we share that load with the grandparents and each of us contributes a bit to get them up close to that, though we don't always make it. Because wow that's a lot of money for a child to have at once. Another frustrating part is that you don't know exactly what books are available ahead of time to help your child plan and budget. So, when they visit the book fair with their class, they find a book they want and buy it, not worrying about how much it costs or if they'll have enough left over for something else.
When you see new neighbors moving in, do you have a list of hopes or expectations about future interactions? Are you the kind of person who just waves as you pass or spot each other when checking the mail? Or are you the kind who stops to chat at the corner of your yards several times a week because you truly enjoy the people you live near?
We've been super blessed the last six and a half years while living in our house. Right beside us is the sweetest older couple who have basically adopted our kids as grandkids. And my kids love them just as much. Down the street are others who I chat with when we see each other walking or stop to say "hi" as we pass in our cars. It's a friendly neighborhood and feels relatively safe. I've talked several times on here about the amazing program we're part of called Lads to Leaders. It allows my children to learn and grow in their abilities so they can serve the church when they're older.
My husband and I have also been blessed to help coach other kids as they went through the program ... back before our kids were old enough. Now, some of those "children" are helping with the program and coaching my kids. How amazing is that? Another amazing thing, though, is to see those "children," now grown, doing exactly what they trained to do all those years growing up. They're serving in the church. They're stepping up and filling rolls. And it's awesome. It's been a crazy few weeks around here. Between my husband having surgery right before Spring Break, my tax-job schedule being quite a few more hours than normal, extra events at school, and several other things, I've been running a bit crazy. So, when I jokingly told my son to go get me a chocolate milkshake, I didn't really expect anything to happen. For one, because he's seven, and for two, because I was joking--mostly.
So, when my husband jumped up and put his shoes on, I was a bit floored. Pleased, but surprised. He was going to do it? Over the past few years, I've been reading the Laura Ingalls books with my children. We go faster in the summer months and then slow down during the school year, so it's taking us a while. But we're nearing the end. Only a couple more books to go.
I've thoroughly enjoyed getting to revisit all these tales my mom read to my sister and me when we were growing up. But I also forgot a lot of things that were included in these books. They seem like simple, innocent little stories at first glance. After all, they're about a little girl growing up out on the prairie, right? Yes. But what you might not realize/remember is that back then, they saw some things a bit differently than we do today. I have a fairly good work ethic. I have to considering I'm basically working four jobs right now. If I don't stay on top of things, it gets to be too much and things fall through the cracks.
That being said, I'm not always in work mode. In fact, since my book release, I've sort of been in "don't wanna" mode. I'm tired. I went from editing several books back-to-back to tax season starting in the middle of that to Spring semester which always feels like it has twenty more things than fall semester to book launch. And I'm exhausted. So, when I decided I need to write my novella right now for next February, my brain said, "No." Easter is such a fun holiday. New dresses, sandals, eggs, Spring! Not to mention everything wrapped up in the hope of the Resurrection.
The last few years, our family has added to all our traditions. I pick up a lamb roast from Aldi for my husband to grill. I make cheesy au gratin potatoes. We have homemade cinnamon rolls that morning. Can you tell I love foods associated with holidays? To me, food is a big part of our traditions. That being said, it hasn't always been easy to maintain our fancy menu. |
This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
August 2024