When I started working as a tax specialist in June, I honestly wasn't sure what to expect for what might happen to my normal schedule. Sure, I knew I would be busier, but I wasn't sure how much.
Of course, then I agreed to do a few content edits here and there for my publisher, too, which added even more to my already full schedule. So, I've gone from working two days a week as a preschool teacher and one as a babysitter, to two days a week as a preschool teacher, three days a week as a tax specialist, and usually squeezing in book stuff in the evenings (marketing, editing, writing, etc). It adds up. Especially when there are deadlines to be met (taxes and books both!). Needless to say, I've had to readjust the way some things work in our lives.
My husband and I are very different.
I don't think I realized that when we first married, but after living together for eighteen years, I can see it better. Different isn't necessarily a bad thing, of course. Honestly, we're not opposites, either. So I can't even do the whole "opposites attract" spiel. But there are enough differences in our preferences that I've had to change the way I think about things when it comes to celebrating, sometimes. I full admit to being a creature of habit. Not only that, but I also sometimes get into a rut.
Since moving here, I've taught the second grade Bible class every other quarter for about four years ... maybe longer. When you teach the same curriculum, you tend to go to the same crafts and activities every time. Needless to say, when they switched up the curriculum this year, it threw me off a bit. Don't get me wrong. I'm doing most of the same stories. but not in exactly the same order. Or broken up the same way. Etc. They also rearranged how they divided the kids, so now I have second and third grades both. Which means a few of those students are having me two years in a row. Sorry, guys. I know you did a lot of these crafts last year, but you've probably lost them between then and now so it won't kill you to do them again. Sigh. So many people comment on how they don't understand how I can read so many books each year. How do I find the time?
It's that key word there that is the wrong one. I don't FIND time to read. What? That's ridiculous! With so many other things going on in my life, so many jobs, being a mom, teaching Bible class, etc,, finding time must be nigh on impossible. But you see, I don't find time. Then how do I read so many books? |
This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
December 2024