From the very first moment he could pay attention to his surroundings, my son has been obsessed with vehicles of all shapes and sizes and types.
When we lived in Texas, the town we were in wasn't a railroad hub so the trains that went through were very small, maybe five or six cars. Middle Tennessee is a whole different ballgame. Trains go through with over a hundred cars and you have to wait a while if you get stuck at the crossing. But, there are also more bridges to go over and under the tracks, too. Which led to a game we started playing when the kids were smaller.
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Every few years it seems like there are a ton of showers all at once. This year, it's wedding showers. I think we're having four in a month's time at our congregation this year. A few years ago, it was baby showers. We figure we'll have another run of those in a few years, considering all the newlyweds we're racking up right now. ;-)
I am one of those people who would rather give something homemade if possible. Especially if it's for someone I'm close to. Needless to say, when my good friend's son is one of the ones in the groom category, I want to do something extra. So, I started an afghan. If you're looking at the title of the post and the picture and wondering how the two mesh, well, they don't. Because that picture is the opposite of the feeling of grace.
However, if someone were to come and lift the elephant-sized weight off your back, that would fit the title very nicely, wouldn't it? Especially if they did so without you asking or needing to do anything in return. Grace is a powerful concept. To be shown grace, to be given what you can never deserve or pay back or earn, it's deep. And the other day, I got to experience it in a new way. Writing definitely has its ups and downs. And I'm not just talking about the climax of the story.
One minute, you're up because you got a nice review (authors LOVE reviews because it helps other readers decide if they want to read the book or not). The next minute you're down because your editor wants you to cut about a thousand words. Then, back up because you scored a contract for another story. And back down because you have to rewrite three scenes. Up. Your book was mentioned on a popular readers' blog. Down. You didn't end up a finalist in the contest you entered. You get the idea. There's tons more, but that last one is where I've been the last few weeks. Are you waiting for Spring? I start getting anxious for it around Valentine's day each year. Don't get me wrong. I love that we have four seasons. I just prefer for winter to not take too terribly long. The dull days and the cold get me down. Over the last few years, my gardens have become a great joy for me. Not necessarily the pulling weeds part, but the watching the things I mean to grow part. And my front bed is filling up with various bulbs. Why? Well, at least in part because they're pretty easy for a semi-lazy gardener. And they're gorgeous. When people find out I can sew, I never know what I'll be asked to do. Obviously, hemming pants and dresses is a main thing, and it doesn't take long, so I don't mind. I have to do it for myself so much, it's fairly rote.
Then, there's taking in prom dresses, or adding something to straps to make them more modest, which I appreciate. Because I hate how immodest things have become, and love helping girls fight that battle. Though it's not always easy due to the fabric. Occasionally, I'll be asked to recover a footstool or make new cushions for a rocking chair. One time I did a whole nursery, including the crib bumpers and skirt. Whew! So many ruffles! And then there's extra special projects. |
This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
August 2024