Writing definitely has its ups and downs. And I'm not just talking about the climax of the story. One minute, you're up because you got a nice review (authors LOVE reviews because it helps other readers decide if they want to read the book or not). The next minute you're down because your editor wants you to cut about a thousand words. Then, back up because you scored a contract for another story. And back down because you have to rewrite three scenes. Up. Your book was mentioned on a popular readers' blog. Down. You didn't end up a finalist in the contest you entered. You get the idea. There's tons more, but that last one is where I've been the last few weeks. When there are over four hundred other authors all entering the same contest as you, the chances are slim your book will be one of the ones picked as the best. But there's still a hope. It hasn't happened for me yet, though. I've entered several different competitions with my stories over the last few years, but there's always been a story better (at least in the judges' minds). And it knocks a girl down a peg or two. Or three. This last time, I looked at my husband and said, "Don't let me waste any more of our money on contests. It's not worth it and I can spend my money other places and reap a better reward." He blinked. And you know what's going to happen next year when it's time to enter a contest again? He's going to look at me and remind me what he tells me every year. "You'll never win a contest you don't enter. Go ahead and do it." Because, sometimes, when it's hard to hold on to my idealistic tendencies, having him tell me "no" when I want to give up is exactly what I need. Sounds funny, doesn't it? That I need someone to tell me "no." But it's true. And what's the point of having someone to go through life with if he isn't going to support your dreams and goals ... and vice versa? So, to me, it's romantic when he supports me, even if it means he has to remind me to not give up. What ways has your significant other supported your dreams and goals through the years? Have you ever needed him or her to tell you "no?"
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This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
December 2024