For the first time in nine years, I went back to teaching preschool this last fall. It was something I had considered doing once my own children were in school, but when the opportunity arose earlier than that at the same preschool my daughter attended, I went ahead and jumped in, hoping I could remember how to do it.
Somehow, I made it through my first year back, even grieving for the lost months at the end of the year when COVID struck everyone's lives. But despite that, I wanted to share some insights I gained by going back to preschool.
It's no secret that I'm a bit of an extrovert. I love going and doing and being with people. Sure, I still need some quiet time, but after a while, I have had enough. Needless to say, this quarantine/social distancing thing is killing me a little bit. Don't get me wrong. I love my family. And we have had lots of sweet moments and learned even more about each other than maybe we wanted to know. But ...
Romance is honestly in the eyes of the beholder. And in the case of my fellow author, Jessica White, she and her husband might not have a song, but they have a soundtrack of daily conversations and getting along which she finds much better than your typical romance. Read on. Little Wonders radio station plays on Pandora as we drive back and forth from Oklahoma where we now live to Texas where our hearts are planted. My husband and I sing along to every song as our daughters put on their headphones to tune us out. Meanwhile my husband and I exchange looks as certain lyrics ring true to our lives. People always ask what our song is, but we don’t have a song; we have dozens. A soundtrack of our life together.
This year ...
As we say here in the south, "with all that's been going on." Well. If you're anything like I am, your calendar has had quite a few things marked through, erased, moved, and moved again. Perhaps your vacation was cancelled. Or a visit to see family. Or a graduation or wedding or reunion. Camps and Vacation Bible Schools and Conferences are all saying "See you next year" or going virtual. No. This year is nothing like any of us planned. My mom is amazing.
As I do this journey called motherhood, I truly hope to be at least mostly as great as she is. What a convoluted sentence that was! But you know what I mean. For a long time, my husband and I weren't even sure we'd get to take this parenthood journey. It took us 6 1/2 years to be able to get pregnant due to PCOS and other issues (like loss of jobs and moving and debt). Those were the years where Mother's day was one of the hardest of the year. Even though I could still celebrate my awesome Mom, I couldn't celebrate my own motherhood I was longing for with all my being. |
This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
December 2024