Have you noticed how many different kinds of stickers people have for their cars? I mean, there's the ones that tell about the family and all their activities, the ones that boast about marathons (or half or less) run, the ones supporting teams or schools, the ones shouting opinions or politics, the ones that are funny, and the ones that are rude. Pretty much anything you want to put on your car, you can find it somewhere. Have you noticed the ones that say things like "Jesus is my copilot" or "I believe in God" or something like that? What about the ones that support a Christian organization? Know what I've noticed? Those car owners don't drive much differently than the ones without the stickers. Sometimes, they even seem to be worse. What do I mean by that? I was driving my daughter to school a few weeks ago. She goes to a private Christian school and we have the car tags on the front to let people know we support it. I was about to pull into a turn lane and was cut off... by someone else with stickers boasting about the school, too. That vehicle flew past and sped through the yellow light before I could even get all the way into the lane. And all I could think about (besides, well, excuse me!) was that they were showing a bad representation of that organization. What would other people think who might have considered sending their kids there? Would they want them around someone who acted like that?
Did I act like that sometimes? Giving a bad name to the ones I represented on my vehicle? Did I give a bad representation to the One whose name I wear all the time ... or at least try to? After all, when we claim to be Christians, we're literally wearing Christ's name on us. What do people see when they look at us? Do they see someone who looks and acts a lot like everyone else, or do they see something different? Seeing that car the other day, even not knowing who it was, made me think more about how I need to drive, live, act, talk, etc. like I have a sticker on me that says "Christian." Because that's what I am. Do you live like there's a sticker on you? Do you drive that way? There shouldn't be any difference.
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This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
December 2024