Since joining a book club, I've noticed how nice it is when authors have discussion questions posted SOMEWHERE, either in the back of the book, or on their website. So, for any of you who choose my novel to use as a book club read, here are some questions you can use to discuss afterwards. You're not limited to these, obviously. And I'd love to hear any you can come up with, too. 1. Not many people send real mail anymore. Do you think it would make it easier or harder to grow a relationship if you had to wait a week or so to receive the next missive?
2. Christiana discovers that her lack of a social life isn’t only because of the shallowness of social media, but also because she hasn’t tried to make friends. Do you ever fall into a similar situation, wishing to be more involved but not actually taking the first step? 3. Tina is determined that Christiana and Jordan should be more than friends. Even though her meddling eventually works, was it helpful or harmful as they developed their relationship? 4. Jordan is considering selling his grandparents’ home, his inheritance, when the story begins. And then, towards the end, he suggests moving to Alabama to be close to Chris. Do you think their relationship could have made him happy with that decision or do you think it would have driven a wedge between them? 5. When Jordan’s mom finds out his brother suggested their problems would be easier to solve if they got married, she laughed. Do you agree with her that marriage doesn’t solve relationship problems? Or do you think Nick was right to suggest Jordan go ahead and make that next move? 6. In the story, Christiana discovers that home isn’t just where you live—it’s where you share life. Do you agree? What makes home “home” to you? 7. Christiana had always wanted to live in Huntsville because of the stories her dad told growing up about how much he’d enjoyed going to school there. Have you ever tried something that had been built up only to find it wasn’t everything you thought it would be? 8. Christiana’s co-worker, Danielle, starts the story off shallower than she ends it. Do you think the age of social media we live in has caused us all to become more focused on only showing our perfections and hiding our flaws? Has it caused us to become more self-centered? 9. Misunderstandings are easily blown out of proportion—like receiving unexpected flowers, or hearing someone tell another guy she didn’t want a long-distanced relationship. How could Jordan and Chris have settled those problems more easily than they did? 10. Christiana’s brothers always told her she would never stay in Huntsville. Do you think they “won?” Or did Chris give too much credence to their taunts?
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Authors I Love to Read (in no particular order)
January 2025