I was doing research last week for a story I'm trying to work on that's very loosely based on my Grandparents' story. Well, they met and fell in love in Pea Ridge, AR, and having never been up that way to my knowledge, I wanted to know more about it. I also needed to know more about what all a county fair might offer in 1946. See? Writing isn't all just putting words on a page. Sometimes, I get to learn things, too! Anyway, as I was finding all these neat pictures of 1940s fairs, I remembered that quite a few authors keep Pinterest boards for their books. It helps them to mark things they've researched, pin pictures of people who look a bit like what they pictured their characters to look like, and even visualize the settings better. So, I've started a few boards (here) and thought I'd share with you all in case you want to see a peek into what I was thinking as I wrote or am writing/editing some of my stories. I've added several pictures and even a few yummy-looking smoothie recipes to the board for An Unexpected Legacy, so be sure to check it out before slipping into the other two boards I have on there for works-in-progress. I hope you enjoy this, and feel free to share other pins you think I might want to add!
I was a guest here today. Check out my interview for a words of writing advice!
As I started several months ago, I wanted to interview an author today, but this one is definitely one of the most special people in my life. It's my Daddy. I guess you could call me a Daddy's girl. I've always been able to sit and talk things through with him, knowing he'll give good advice or just listen when I need an ear. He's a great preacher, a wonderful father and grandfather, and now is an author of two different study books. I wanted to let you get to know him a little and share the information about his books with you. Without further ado, let's chat with Bob McDoniel. You've been a preacher basically your whole life and only started writing recently. What inspired you to branch out and write a book? The encouragement to branch out into getting my writing published came from some members of a Bible class who requested copies of my teaching notes which amounted to a personal commentary. I thought that if these individuals felt that they could be helped by this material then maybe others would be as well. So I began the search for a publisher to get that rough material edited and into print. What is your greatest hope for your books? My greatest hope for my books is for them to help others in their personal study of scripture. Some congregations might find them useful for Bible class use. I guess I see these books as one more teaching and preaching outlet. Your most recent book covers several of the heroes mentioned in Hebrews 11. Do you have a favorite Bible hero? If so, why is he/she your favorite? One of my favorite Bible heroes has always been Caleb. I realize that he is not one of the notables in Hebrews 11 but he has always stood out because he was willing to stand against odds in his confidence that God can and will keep his promises. That faithful confidence stayed with him and guided him his entire life. Have you discovered much difference in writing a sermon and writing a chapter for a book? For me sermon writing and Bible class preparation are the ways I begin my book writing. The main difference is forcing myself to write for readers rather than writing for listeners. I hope that I have been somewhat successful in that. Who in your past has been the biggest influence in your career? My dad, Glen McDoniel, and my major professor in college, Batsell Barrett Baxter, are two men who have inspired me to want to devote my life to preaching. I could also point to faithful elders and fellow preachers whose support through the years has helped me to keep on going. Any tips for others who might consider writing a devotional book in the future? I guess my advice to others who might desire to write a study/devotion book as I have is to sincerely desire to help others see what you have discovered for yourself and then share what you have found. Can you leave us with one fun fact about you? A fun fact about me might be that I enjoy designing and building wind chimes out of old ceiling fan parts, silver ware, old keys and other discarded items and then selling them. Thanks for stopping by today. I hope you can see what a great guy he is and are intrigued by his books. See below for the information on where to find them. Robert McDoniel, the son of a gospel preacher, has been preaching full time for forty years and has served congregations in eight states. Bob and his wife, Dotty presently reside in Oklahoma. They have three children and four grandchildren that they do not get to see as often as they would like.
If you would like to check out his books, here are the links. Heroes of Faith Jeremiah: God's Messenger to an Antagonistic People Several people have asked me when my next book is coming out. You guys, I'm going to be honest. I have no idea. I have about five or six manuscripts on my computer right now, but all need more edits. And then I have to submit them to publishers until I find one that agrees with me that it's a good story. So, I'm working on it. It would help if my kids would nap a little better than they have been, but between one teething and one being THREE, it's been rough the last few weeks. I've just completed a third (fourth? fifth?) go-through of one of my favorite manuscripts and sent it off to yet another friend/editor. After that, I plan to start submitting it to publishers to see if I can get it in your hands. I'm also going to try to submit it to a contest this summer at a writers' retreat I'm attending. Here's hoping for other people besides family and friends to see the potential! Want to know what it's about?
Two sisters. One summer. Multiple problems. Younger sister Hope has lost her job, her car, and her boyfriend all in one day. Her well-laid plans for life have gone sideways, as has her hope in God. Older sister Faith is finally getting her dream-come-true after years of struggles and prayers. But when her mom talks her into letting Hope move in for the summer, will the stress turn her dream into a nightmare? Is her faith in God strong enough to handle everything? For two sisters who haven't gotten along in years, this summer together could be a disaster ... or it could lead them to a closer relationship with each other and God. Can they overcome all life is throwing at them? Or is this going to destroy their relationship for good? Yes, it has some romance. No, I'm not telling more right now. ;-) What do you think? Does it sound good? In the meantime, I'm going to start cleaning up another manuscript and putting down some other thoughts on "paper" as they pop in my head. Out of nowhere the other day, an idea came to me, and I've scribbled out a first chapter even though I have no idea where it's going to go from there. Much to think about. I hope all your muses are behaving better than mine and that your children all nap better than mine have been so you can achieve more! Happy April! |
This is a place for me to tell you about what I'm writing, talk about the process or where some of my ideas came from, or even have other authors come in and talk about their books.
Authors I Love to Read (in no particular order)
August 2024