If you're going to write a novel called Mama Dated Santa, then you better have a Santa to go with it, right? Well, good news. My story definitely has a santa.
Santa is played by Paul Russo, one of the brothers who owns Russos' Toy Emporium. All three brothers are now semi-retired, but Paul loves to come back each holiday season and keep the Santa tradition his dad started alive. And he's good at it. Paul has this intrinsic way of seeing beyond what people portray to those around them. Now, he's not perfect and sometimes makes mistakes, just like all of us, but he's also pretty good at getting people to do what he thinks is in their best interest, whether they agree or not. Y'all, I seriously can't say enough good things about my publisher, Scrivenings Press. And one of my favorite parts is how much we feel like a family. We support each other, cheer each other, answer questions, and get to know each other through monthly meetings even though we live all over the US. One of the newer authors I've been getting to know lately is Mary Pat Tedder. Her first book looks like a lot of fun, just like she is. Read on to find out more. Mary Pat, congratulations on your first release. I know it's set at a gym, so I'm curious. What made you choose that as your setting?
Hi, Amy! I’ve had a gym habit for a long time…it really helps with this “sittin’ on my rear” writing job. So one day when I was at the gym, praying about where to get started, I felt like the Lord whispered into my spirit that I could use a gym as the backdrop for my story. I guess it fell into that “write what you know” philosophy. But it helped with the fear factor—I knew about gyms, so writing about one seemed like a doable step. All three of the books in your new series will feature a brave veteran re-entering civilian life, right? What made you choose that theme? Two of the books and a novella feature veterans. In the fourth and last book of the series, the main character is a policeman who had a difficult adjustment from civilian to police life. Overall, my inspiration came from my son, who deployed during the war with Afghanistan. When he returned, his re-entry into civilian life wasn’t easy. While his PTSD was not severe as some, it was still traumatic for him and those who loved him. It took a while, but he recovered and is doing well. He even helped me write a short story about Afghanistan to use as a prequel for the series. That's amazing. I'm so appreciative for his service and glad you could turn that bad experience into good. |
This is a place for me to tell you about what I'm writing, talk about the process or where some of my ideas came from, or even have other authors come in and talk about their books.
Authors I Love to Read (in no particular order)
January 2025