Looking for something fun and bookish to do over the next few weeks? Scrivenings Press is hosting a 12 Days of Christmas bash on their facebook page. Swing by from December 13 through 24th to play fun games, chat with authors about some of their holiday favorites, and possibly win some bookish prizes. Each day one person who participates will win an ebook of their choice. And at the end of the week, someone is going to win the promise of an ecopy of every book Scrivenings is publishing next year (over 25 books!). And don't forget the recipes you can receive, too. ;-)
We hope you'll come by and party with us as the holidays approach. It's a great way to end 2020.
Hi all! Today, I'm pleased to introduce you to a new-to-me author. The joy of working with several different publishing groups, is I get to meet and know several different authors, too. Today, I'm chatting with a fellow Anaiah Press author, Sara Beth Williams. Read on because she's pretty fun!
Sara Beth, welcome to my blog. I love getting to know other authors on here. To start, can you tell us what inspired you to start writing? I’ve been writing since junior high. I’ve written poetry ,and copy cat stories, kids' stories, and YA stories. Then later, as I matured, and began reading Christian Romance, specifically Hallee Bridgeman’s Jewel series, I fell in love with the genre and thought to myself – I can absolutely write this. Nice! What are some ways that your stories stand out from other romances (yes, I know this is a hard question--especially since I write romance, too)? I love to write characters who are authentic and deep and messy. My characters deal with a lot of family drama. I also stray from writing about rich characters. My third book releasing in March, 2021, also delves into a little bit of mental illness. This year was different. I set out with a plan and a hope, and I finished my Nanowrimo story by the 21st--the earliest I've ever "Won" Nanowrimo. My personal goal was 60,000 words (normal Nanowrimo goals are 50,000, but I'm an overachiever), and I ended at 58,118. Not my personal best, but not the worst, either. Especially since I know my story will grow and evolve during edits over the next year or two.
So, what's next? |
This is a place for me to tell you about what I'm writing, talk about the process or where some of my ideas came from, or even have other authors come in and talk about their books.
Authors I Love to Read (in no particular order)
August 2024