This post was originally on InspyRomance in 2023. Now that InspyRomance has shut down, I thought it would be fun to revisit it here. Hello, and thanks for visiting. Have you been to Sassafras, Arkansas before? Well, it’s not terribly easy to get to. Basically, it’s only found in a few books by Amy R Anguish. But we’re fairly proud of our little town. Where exactly are we located? Well, you know. About an hour north-east-ish of Little Rock. But not too far east, mind you. A bit closer to the foothills of the Ozarks, but not quite. Still in the land of rice and cotton. Anyway, that gives you a pretty good idea. Sassafras isn’t huge. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if they include the livestock when they put the population number on the sign. But we’re big enough to have two grocery stores and a hospital. And just the other day, I heard they’re talking about bringing in a Walmart. Yep. We’re moving up in the world. What can you expect find here? Well, if you visit in An Unexpected Legacy, you’re going to find the church building, of course. And one of our lovely parks. The courthouse down in the center of downtown. And a few little antique shops, as well as a tearoom. Quite nice. Nice enough you want to visit again? Well, No Place Like Home allows you a peek into our hospital (sad situation, that) as well as into the preacher’s house. James Stewart is his name. He’s a great guy, but one of his daughters … well, that book tells her story better than I can. Of course, if quilting is more up your alley, we’ve got a nice little shop down a few blocks from the courthouse. It’s called The Missing Piece. You can visit it along with our annual Watermelon Festival in Love in Any Season. The Nortons run the shop and are sweet ladies, though I think Tommy London is stepping in to take his Mom’s place in the business too. About time he came back home. Those people tend to visit the local deli, run by Dawn Smith. She has some of the yummiest sandwiches around. In case you need groceries while you’re here, we have two options. Foodland is on the North side of town. More of a chain store, but it has pretty much everything you need. I prefer to go to McDonald’s Grocery, though. It’s run by Mack McDonald, the third generation to bless our town with plenty of local produce. He’s a bit stuck in his ways sometimes, but I think Kaitlyn Daniels is loosening him up. She was able to get that new app Grocerease in town, and she scurries all over delivering groceries when she’s not subbing at the elementary school. More about Mack and Kaitlyn in Love Delivered. Of course, there are other amenities around. We’re not too far from some good fishing and hunting spots. And if you need something you can’t find here, Little Rock’s an hour away. All in all, I think Sassafras is about the best place to be. So, y’all come stay awhile, you hear? So, what do you think? Do you want to visit Sassafras? Do you like revisiting a fictional town in different stories? What are some other spots you’d like to see more of in this little town? I’m sure we’ll visit it again in the future. ;)
It's July 4th. To me, that means summery foods, maybe a water gun fight and glow sticks, fire flies in the yard, hopefully a fresh tomato from my garden.
And fireworks! I love fireworks. Sure, it's usually hot and sticky and swarming with mosquitoes. But there's something amazing about watching the explosions in different colors and shapes and sizes, all orchestrated to make the biggest awe. Maybe that's why fireworks scenes end up in my books every now and then. One ended up in Faith and Hope, deep in the heart of Texas. Needless to say, it's got some heat to it, and if you want to check it out, I shared it here. The one from today is from my book No Place Like Home. It's set at Tom Lee park, right on the Mississippi River in Memphis. My characters have been chatting about her past and he finally gets her to tell him the rest of the story. And, well, there might be more than one kind of firework going off before the end. Check it out. ![]() Every wonder how much of their own lives authors weave into a story? I have said several times now, No Place Like Home is sort of my "what might have been" story. I made my main character a preacher's daughter and basically gave her my past. But also changed it a little. For instance, I don't have a twin--my sister is two years younger. But a lot of what you find out she went through growing up, it's based on my memories and reality. And it wasn't always good things. The differences? Adrian gave up on her faith--in God and His people. I did not. Anything else based on reality in my book? Why Memphis?
Surprisingly enough, I was chatting with some other authors in a Facebook group not too long ago and mentioned my book was set in Memphis. And they were surprised. I guess no one thinks of Memphis when they think romance ... or something. So, why did I choose such a place? Ready to meet another character from No Place Like Home? How about Gray?
No Place Like Home releases in just a few weeks. In fact, the ebook should go on pre-order this week. That means it's time for me to start introducing characters. And let me tell you, this one is near and dear to my heart for multiple reasons. See what you think. Preacher's kid Adrian Stewart abandoned God as soon as she moved out of her father's house. After all, hadn't God abandoned her over and over again? How could she trust Him or any of His people after growing up in such an unstable past?
Moving every few years may not have given her a strong faith, but it has helped her adjust to her chosen job--software trainer. She travels for months at a time, working with home-health companies who need the computer program she helped design with MidSouthLogIn. Spending all those nights in a hotel room doesn't bother her as long as she has her personal coffee maker, her collection of old musicals, and a few books and pictures. What more could she want? No Place Like Home has been in the works for several years now. This is my story of "what might have been." Growing up a preacher's daughter wasn't always easy, and I could have let that turn me away from my faith. Instead, I chose to cling to my faith and hope in God.
That being said, I put a lot of the struggles I had over the years into my character Adrian. She doesn't want roots. Because every time she's put some down, she's had to pull them right back up again. So, she's very happy with her job that allows her to travel here and there without staying anywhere for long. Until she meets Gray. Want to see the cover for this story? Here it is! When I decided my word for 2020 was stretch, I had no idea how fitting that word would truly be. Sure, I meant to stretch myself to new things, to learn and grow and expand. But I had no idea when I started this year that I'd end up doubling how many stories I had published by the end of 2021!
What!? That's right. I just signed two more contracts for books to release next year. That means that at the end of 2021, I'll have six books published, twice as many as I have right now. To say I'm slightly shocked and blown away is an understatement. |
This is a place for me to tell you about what I'm writing, talk about the process or where some of my ideas came from, or even have other authors come in and talk about their books.
Authors I Love to Read (in no particular order)
January 2025