Normally, I blog on Mondays and Thursdays, but this last weekend, I ran away to Gatlinburg, TN with a group of fellow preschool teachers for a retreat. And by the time I got home Sunday evening, I couldn't think straight because of exhaustion. So, you get a post on Tuesday this week instead of Monday. Sunday morning, sitting in the cabin with my teacher sisters, we streamed a worship service from where most of them attend. And as the words of the song, "Our God, He is Alive" rolled off my tongue, looking out the window at the majestic Smokies outside, it gave a deeper meaning to the lyrics. "He tinted skies with heav'nly hue, and framed the worlds with His great might." Yes. It was pretty awesome. Especially since I had also gotten up early simply to witness the sunrise over the mountains before that. Pictures don't do God's artwork justice.
But that wasn't the only inspiration I enjoyed this past weekend.
Hello friends. One of the most exciting parts of getting a book ready to be published is seeing the cover for the first time. It makes it so much more real. And this cover is absolutely lovely.
Are you ready to see it? Sure? Okay, then. Today, I'm interviewing my fellow author Hope Toler Dougherty. Her fourth book is about to release, and I know the one story of hers I've read was excellent so I'm looking forward to reading more. Read on to learn more about this author and check out how you could possibly win a free copy of her book.
Hope, this is your fourth book, right? Does this book have connections to any of your other stories, or are they all stand-alone? Forever Music is a stand-alone; however, I hope it becomes the first in a series. (I’m trying!) I like to revisit characters; for example, Jack Windham is a friend of Mary Wade’s in Rescued Hearts. He didn’t get a lot of page time in that novel, but he’s back in Forever Music as Ches’s uncle. He and his wife are an important part of Ches’s story. He’s really a cool character, and I enjoyed getting to know him better. I hope readers will, too. |
This is a place for me to tell you about what I'm writing, talk about the process or where some of my ideas came from, or even have other authors come in and talk about their books.
Authors I Love to Read (in no particular order)
January 2025