Several of you have heard me talk over the last few years of my Roadtrip Romances I'm writing. A trilogy that follows three girls on different roadtrips where they also find romance, of course. Well, I had written the first one a while back, tackled the second one last November, and planned to write the third this summer (still hoping for that). With so much already done and figured out, I went ahead and sent a proposal in, hoping to line these up to start releasing next year. I have good news and bad news. The good news is, the publisher liked the idea for books 1 and 3.
Can you figure out the bad news? Yep. No go on book 2. I had set book 2 as a honeymoon trip gone wrong, wanting to show how hard it is to learn how to live with someone else, even if that someone is a person you're madly in love with. But, as she pointed out, that's not a romance. Because a romance novel by definition has the hero and heroine falling in love somewhere in the duration. More good news, though. I've been working on rewriting the story enough to take it in a different direction--one more romantic. And I'm hoping to resubmit before the end of the month. I'm still learning and growing. Every now and then, God reminds me to not get too big in the head, despite all the praise you guys have been giving my last few books. This was a learning experience, and I'm hoping to grow from it. So, don't give up on getting to read these books. Just hang with me, because they're not going to be exactly how I first pictured them. They might even be better! Have you ever used a disappointment to grow and better yourself? What do you look for in a romance novel?
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This is a place for me to tell you about what I'm writing, talk about the process or where some of my ideas came from, or even have other authors come in and talk about their books.
Authors I Love to Read (in no particular order)
January 2025