Marketing was not my major in college. Honestly, when I picked my major, I mostly knew I wasn't cut out to be an art major (what I started as), and that I wanted to write books. So, I chose English. Here's the deal. When you are an English major, everyone expects you to teach. I am NOT a teacher. Not a school teacher anyway. Preschool and Bible classes are totally different subjects. Needless to say, I graduated with a fair knowledge of what other people had written and where to put a comma.
Fast-forward to becoming a published author. When thinking about what it would be like to write books, no one ever thinks about marketing. You think, "Wow. People are going to be able to pick up my book off the shelf in the store and read something that came out of my head. And they might even like it." But how to get it to that shelf in the first place ... not as easy as you'd think. Needless to say, in this world where authors are having to do more and more of their own marketing, I am still learning despite having been published for several years now. And to add to the fun, social media sites often change their rules and algorithms, meaning one thing that worked last week to reach readers might not be seen by any of them this week. It's a bit frustrating. So, in light of all of this, two other author friends and I decided to do something crazy. We met in the middle of where we all live (three different states) and recorded some videos to start posting on YouTube each week. I'm the most extroverted of the bunch, so it took a couple tries to get everyone where they weren't afraid to talk. We're still learning, and we made ourselves laugh a LOT as we tried to figure out all the whys and wherefores of how to do this. But we're hoping it will be a blessing to any and all who stumble across it. We'll post a video each week, some on the writing process, the life of a writer, problems we stumble across or funny stories, snippets from our books, and even challenges and giveaways. If you think this is something you might like to see, feel free to follow us. Our page is called Once Upon a Page, and you can reach it by clicking here. Also, if you think you know someone else who might like this, please share with them, too. God has blessed me richly with this small "tribe" of writers, and I'm loving every minute of getting to know them better while we all try to figure out one more way to market ourselves together. Do you ever have to do something that puts you out of your comfort zone? Do you have a tribe of people who help you figure out how to do things better? I hope so! And I'd love to hear your thoughts.
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This is a place for me to tell you about what I'm writing, talk about the process or where some of my ideas came from, or even have other authors come in and talk about their books.
Authors I Love to Read (in no particular order)
January 2025