It's finally Spring, and I don't know about you, but wildflowers have a special place in my heart. It's always a little sad after the first time my husband mows the yard (although not for the same reasons it's sad for him--that he'll have to do it every week or so for the next six months). Our yard goes from patches of white and purple to ... well, green. Not quite as much fun. There's something special about seeing the colors start to pop up in clusters up and down the street. And the best part? No one has to plant them. They come up all on their own. There are even verses in the Bible about how "even Solomon in all his glory wasn't arrayed as some of these." Weeds, y'all. And yet, what is a weed, but a plant someone doesn't want growing where it's coming up? Therefore, to me, wildflowers aren't weeds. Not when they're dressing my yard, providing bouquets for my children to hand me, granting wedding flowers for Barbie dolls, or even just feeding the bees. As long as they stay out of my vegetable garden, we get on very well, thank you.
This time of year, I miss living in Texas and seeing the huge patches of bluebonnets and Indian paintbrush and Mexican bonnets and other glories. Tennessee has its own types of beauty come spring, though, and I'm in love with the tiny little wild hyacinths that grow around my tree in the front, the crocuses and daffodils. And don't forget the beautiful trees! So, the next time you see those weeds growing in your yard and sigh at how much trouble they might cause you when you push your mower over them, see if you can find some good, too. Maybe stop for a moment and make a clover chain before mowing them all down. Because even though they don't last forever, they're pretty while here. Do you have a favorite wildflower? PS--Fun story. The picture above is my sister and me as little girls in Mississippi. Probably picking bouquets for our Barbies. I was able to use that picture on the front cover of my book, Faith & Hope, and that makes it even more special.
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This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
December 2024