There's not quite two years between my children's ages. About 21 1/2 months, which was closer than we intended, but what God gave us so we won't complain. Needless to say, my son, who is about to turn three, is at a stage we've already gone through with his sister. And even though they're not exactly the same, there are some similarities.
When we were almost home from our trip last month, it dawned on me that I had taken several things for granted with my daughter. Her car seat had been moved all the way to the back of the van to make room for Grandpa to sit in the middle with brother. And while I did have to help pass things back to her, for the most part, once she had the activity she wanted, she was fairly content to entertain herself for a while. Her brother needed more one-on-one interaction. My daughter is also finally to a point that we don't have to worry as much about potty accidents because she can tell us she needs to go and can hold it for a little longer after that, too. The son ... well, we won't go there. That's a whole other story. She can color in the lines (when she wants to). She can write quite a few of her letters, and even put some together in words. She can draw pictures that look like more than scribbles. He's still learning to color correctly. My daughter can dress herself. She doesn't always make the most fashion-conscious color choices, but she can have enough on to be decent. My son still needs help with everything from shirts to shoes. As I was dealing with helping my son with one of those things, it dawned on me that even though it wasn't that long ago I had been helping his sister in a similar situation, I had already started taking for granted that she could and would do it herself. How quickly we become accustomed to things like that. And then it frustrates us to no end if we have to stop and help with something the child had learned to do herself months before. Do you think God looks at us like that? We'll realize we're doing a bad habit, break it, be doing very well, and then have a bad day and slip back into the habit. I know I do that. And God loves us anyway, even more than we love our children, even on days they need more help than they should. It's reassuring to me. How about you? What's something you take for granted and know you should be more aware of?
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This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
December 2024