Sometimes, when I have been working on writing things too long--especially if I've just gone through a ton of edits all at once, like I did near the end of the summer--I need a break from anything to do with words on a page (besides reading, of course, because that doesn't count). When that happens, I tend to either turn to my sewing machine, my yarn, or my paints. This year, I dabbled in a bit of cloth and paint on wood, too. And not only did it make my fall-loving heart happy, it also produced a few things like gifts for friends or items my children needed. Fall is my favorite season, for sure. And when it starts getting the tiniest bit close to the fall season, much to my husband's chagrin, out come the pumpkins and candy corn items. But they're so cute! I do at least usually wait until late September to get things out. A few items were out earlier this year because they were ones I had just made. Like the pillow covers above. I already had throw pillows, and while I loved the idea of having fall pillows, too, I didn't want to have to store anything else that bulky. Problem solved. Slip-covers for the pillows I already had! And I love how they turned out.
I've been making the fabric pumpkins like below for years now, but couldn't resist doing a few more when I found some cute fall fabric this year. These were perfect for gifting to friends or saying "thank you" for babysitting services. And the kids loved helping me stuff them. New pajama pants for my kiddos were a hit and will be nice and warm this winter. A fancy dress for Halloween turned out a bit more than I meant for it to, but my Belle is happy. And that dress will last much longer than any of the cheap ones I could buy at the store. And for painting, well, I've been wanting to do a few little Halloween houses to mix with my decorations for a while now. This year, I decided to give in. I think they turned out cute. Do you love to sew or paint? Do you have a season you decorate for more than others? How do you get a creative recharge?
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This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
December 2024