Here's a tip. If you ever feel your faith is weak and needs a boost, talk to a four-year-old about God. Why? Let me give you some examples of conversations my son has been holding lately. And he talks almost constantly, so this is only a sampling. :-) "Mommy, you're not the biggest in our family. Daddy is. But God is biggest of all."
"Mommy, God can touch something sharp and not get cut by it." "Mommy, some people might not know about God and how great He is, but we do. Isn't it sad that not everyone knows about God?" "Mommy, I can't change that. That's the way God made me." "Mommy, God created the whole world and everything. And He can look however He wants to. He can change into anything. Because He's God." Want me to keep going? It's pretty amazing how his brain works. And I haven't prompted any of these affirmations. They just pop up in conversation as he thinks of them. And I love it. Because it means he's thinking constantly about how everything works and is related and where God fits in the picture. And in his picture, God is always there. I hope he keeps this faith that God is amazing and wonderful and can do anything. Because it's exactly the way we're all supposed to believe. Is it any wonder that Jesus told us to have faith like a child? Okay, one more. "Mommy, there aren't really superheroes with super powers in the world. Those are just pretend. But God is ever better than a superhero, huh?" Yes, He is.
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December 2024