My three-year-old daughter loves to sing. Like, all the time. And it makes this Mama's heart so glad. My husband and I love singing, too, and her voice warbling through the house, with familiar tunes and tunes made-up, just makes life so much happier. Yesterday, she was belting out "Jesus Loves the Little Children." It's a favorite right now. When she got to the colors, she sang, "Red and blue and black and white, purple, green, and black and white ..." I asked her how many purple people she'd ever met. She just giggled and continued singing.
Silly as it is to think of purple, blue, or green people, it's also a reminder that children are so much more like God than we are. She just likes listing colors. She doesn't think about what colors skin might actually be because she doesn't really notice that different people have different skin tones. They're just people. And that's the way it should be.
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This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
December 2024