"Read your Bible and pray every day and you'll grow, grow, grow." That's how the children's song goes. But how often do we actually encourage it? In our own lives as well as those of our children? Our home congregation is working on having a revival year this year. Growing closer to God and each other. One of the ways we're doing that is a daily Bible reading. Try to read the Bible at least a little each day. But, for those who can't do that, or don't want the pressure of reading the whole Bible in a year, they're also doing monthly challenges. One month it was to read the four gospels. One month to read Acts. This month is Psalms. Well, my eight-year-old, the one who reads on a fifth or sixth grade level, has always dabbled in reading the Bible in spurts since she received hers a few years ago. But when she heard that challenge about reading the four gospels in a month, she looked at us and said, "Can I do that?"
Of course! Let me tell you, she knocked it out in a WEEK! And read most of Acts too. One-hundred eighty-two chapters turned in for her that week. I turned in twenty-three. Did you read that? My third grader read 182 and I read 23. Hmmm. Granted, I am more consistent with my Bible reading than she is. I will get through the whole thing again by the end of the year, where she may not read much more than what she's already tackled and a few verses here and there during Bible class. But still, it makes you think, doesn't it? When a child grows passionate about something, she or he decides, "I can do this. I will do this. I want to do this. Now. Right away. Why wait?" Shouldn't we have more of a passion like that when it comes to reading God's word? Or anything to do with God, really? How did we grow out of that? Why? And how do we get back to it? It's a challenge, isn't it? But definitely one worth it. So, tell me. Do you have a childlike faith when it comes to reading your Bible? Are you reading everyday so you can grow, grow, grow?
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December 2024