How hard do you work to achieve your dreams? My daughter is tenacious. She decided at the beginning of the year that she was going to learn how to do the monkey bars. Does that sound daunting? Probably not. But it was to her. Those three metal bars that separated the ladder from the playhouse of our swingset looked like a huge gulfing expanse to her, especially when she couldn't get past the first bar without dropping the short distance to the ground. ![]() Know what happens when you do something over and over and over again? If you're like me (and my child), you're probably going to get blisters. Just like when you break in a new pair of shoes. The repetitive motion and rubbing of skin against surface raises those painful welts on your hands or heels. And until you work them all the way into callouses, they're going to hurt. But once they're worn into the rough skin that might not be pretty but doesn't ache or complain anymore, everything is good. My daughter has had some amazing blisters this year. All the way across both palms. But you know what? She can do the monkey bars now. And her hands are callousing over, beautifully. Because she didn't give up. She kept on going. And she discovered how to use her really long legs to help swing her even farther across so she could catch the edge of the playhouse with her feet to help her past the third bar, too. ;-) Whatever gets you there, right? So, to her ... and me ... blisters were worth it. What about you? What have you been willing to work for so much that you'd rub the very skin of your hands off?
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This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
December 2024