My Real Life Romance slot happens to fall on the week of my anniversary this year, so bear with me. I'm going to get a little sentimental. Fifteen years ago on the 11th. We were such babies, had no idea what would be ahead of us. Yet here we are, still together.
My mom made my dress. I wore my Aunt's veil, although it's not in this picture because it was unbearably hot that day and the AC had quit working in the church auditorium. I arranged all the flowers. We found my shoes on clearance at Dillard's, I think--I was so sad when those wore out. His suit and the groomsmen's pants were rented, and almost didn't make it in time. The girls wore dresses the colors of the sunset with the boys having coordinating vests. And it was a terribly happy day. But you know what? It was only the first day. So many people put such a focus on the wedding, trying to get all the details just perfect, wanting to spend money they don't have. And, I admit, I had a lot of fun planning all those details. But in the long run, if we had just thrown on some shorts and shirts, run down to the Justice of the Peace, and exchanged rings, we would have still been married, despite the simplicity. The important part is realizing that the wedding is only the beginning. All the days after that are what we should be more focused on. In the last fifteen years, we've lived in two states, four towns, three apartments, one townhouse, and four houses. We've had seven different vehicles, although only two at a time. Between the two of us, we've held about twelve different jobs at various times. We've gone through money struggles. We've gone through infertility treatments. We've disagreed a few times (or more). We've had two babies. And I would say "I do" all over again if he asked me to. Marriage isn't just the dressing up and getting fancy to be the center of attention for one day. It's the growing closer to each other through all the chaos life throws at you. Not to mention the helping each other grow through it all, too. Basically, marriage is signing up for a best friend for life. And I love mine. So, I'm curious. What's one thing you wish you knew before you got married? Would you do it all again if your spouse asked you?
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This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
December 2024