In our relationship, my husband and I get along fairly well, but that doesn't mean we aren't complete opposites in the way we do certain things. For instance, I love being around people. He does not. I love watching old musicals. He tolerates them. I love being outside. He can handle it a little while, but don't ask him to camp. And it's okay. Because we balance each other out. But we're different in other ways too. Like, I am a planner and he is not. I love to know weeks in advance what we're doing when, how much things cost, when they open, what might be on the way from here to there that we could add to our trip, etc. He is more of a wing-it man. I said, "Do you want to take a trip, just the two of us, for our anniversary?" He replied, "Sure." "Where would you like to go?" And he shrugged. We finally agreed to go to the Gatlinburg area. I started looking up cabins and VRBO and AirBNB locations, so we could finalize dates and have a reservation. I showed him several and he said they all looked good. So, I picked one. It came with complimentary tickets to some of the local events in the area.
Are you guessing what happened next? I asked him which activities looked good. He hates making decisions about things like that. I finally cornered him and we picked a few and I booked them. I gathered booklets and coupons and websites and read articles from Pinterest. Because I love diving in and finding fun things to do. And he put up with it and was amenable. How is this romantic? Well, he's not a planner, but he knows I am. So, he did try to at least look at some of the pamphlets I handed him or skim through a few articles. And he did help me pick a few things to do. And he was brave and hiked up tall towers and rode a tram even though he hates heights. So, while he wasn't as gung-ho for planning like I was, he was a part of it. Because he knew it was important to me. And we had a great trip, in case you're wondering. Took in a supper show, visited a few souvenir shops, ate good food, hiked some mountains, and did Ober Gatlinburg. And he's already talking about taking the kids the next time we go back. Think he'll help me plan that trip? Do you and your spouse/significant other have the same issues we do? How are you opposites? How do you complement each other?
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This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
December 2024