When you think of romance, normally you think of it ending in marriage. But that's not always the case. Sometimes, it can end as something just as sweet, though. Guest author, Mary Pat Johns is here to tell the story of her mom and her mom's Special Friend. See if you think this is as romantic as I do. ;) Mom was nineteen-years-old when she married Dad. He was the older man at twenty-three. They were married for over sixty years when Daddy passed. A year or so later, Mom packed the belongings she wanted to keep, had an estate sale for the rest, and moved into a retirement village.
As her only daughter, I had her all to myself for five years. I loved it, but it wasn’t enough for her, especially since I still worked. She had no desire to get married again but missed the daily companionship.
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Don't get too excited by that blog title. I haven't run any crazy distances (or any at all) or baked the world's largest scone or even held my breath for more than a few seconds. I'm not talking about that kind of a record.
I'm talking about a personal one. One that really doesn't matter in the long scheme of things, but dawned on me the other day. Before my husband and I moved to Tennessee in 2017, I had never lived anywhere longer than six years. Ever. And most places I had lived less than that. So, last year, when I realized we'd been here for six years, I told my husband, "We have to stay here at least one more year." |
This is a place for me to share thoughts and ideas not just related to writing. Thoughts about what's going on in my life, about an idea I got that I thought shareworthy, or just a funny anecdote.
August 2024